Everyone has a role to play. Find yours.

To launch an innovative project like Columbus Inclusive Living, a range of committed partners and supporters with a diverse set of skills and resources are required.  We need:

● Prospective developers or development teams with the capacity to develop and/or own and operate an innovative supportive housing project.

● City, County and State officials whose support can facilitate critical resources, such as funding and real estate, that will be required to advance the project.

● Visionary philanthropists with the ability to fund the planning and pre-development activities necessary to advance the project to the development stage

And an army of committed advocates and supporters, including potential residents, who can lend their enthusiasm, skills and personal experience to this ambitious endeavor.

We’ve worked hard to assemble a viable, exciting concept. We’ve developed extensive planning documents that explain the Columbus Inclusive Living concept and demonstrate its programmatic and financial feasibility. We’ve crafted an initial program plan that outlines core elements, including proposed objectives, staffing, resident participation expectations, and a project logic model. We’ve assessed the market potential of the initiative and projected preliminary pro forma development and operational budgets.  And we’ve articulated the philosophy driving the planning and design process and produced hypothetical site design concepts.  The result is a sold, viable plan that warrants your support.

We’d welcome the opportunity to discuss our plans and identify your role with this project. Please use the form below to reach out to us, explain your interest, and/or simply sign-up for ongoing updates and information.  We look forward to including you in the work of All Inclusive Living.

Ways I can help All In and this cause.

Here’s the thing about community: you can’t do it alone. We need you! Get in touch to sign up for All In progress updates and information about opportunities to be involved. And feel free to share anything you’d like us to know about your interest in this project.